Whaaaaa! Help! My ear is driving me NUTS!

This piece is posted by the strict authorization of radio earpiece.co.uk, which is the original website. please get consent from that blog before reposting this short article.

Thursday, I noticed my ear was popping a lot. If I swallowed, or adjusted my jaw, or cleared my throat, my ears popped. By Friday afternoon, they were starting to pop less, but becoming increasingly harder to clear.

Saturday, they were almost impossible to pop or clear- and it just keeps getting worse. Last night, I could barely lay down because the pressure would built up, and even small clearings wouldn’t relieve it. If I’ve ever had an ear infection, it was when I was so little that I clearly don’t remember it. I don’t know that it’s an infection, but I do know it’s DRIVING ME NUTS.

Saturday night (Maybe? I don’t recall- could have been Friday), I went to Walmart and bought an ear cleaning kit, as well as a bottle of stuff that is supposed to dry out water and unclog ears. Before buying that, I poured a small amount of peroxide into them to help clear them with small results.

The ear wax cleaning kit kinda helps, but honestly, the peroxide helps more-so. The stuff to clear out water hurt in my right ear, because I had managed to scratch the area with my fingernail, and it was mostly alcohol (95%). That was a typical- ouch it burns on the fresh wound kinda pain.

When I put it in my left ear, it hurt in a “OMG something just set my inner ear on fire, and stabbed it with a blazing hot poker!” kind of way. It wasn’t the burn of alcohol, it hurt all the way through. I discontinued use immediatly.

I’m going nuts. Any advice out there on how to sleep tonight? Tomorrow, I do plan to go in and get them looked at, and get an antibiotic if that’s what out need. But, tonight, I’m dreading bed time.

My ears don’t hurt, there is just a lot of pressure, and discomfort, and they itch deep inside like you wouldn’t believe.