Why does anyone need a noise-cancelling headset?

earpieceYou might be safe in the wisdom that I bring the most effective headphone posts, some of which are my very own some of them are curated by me, when i decide to use someone elses articles its because its appropriate to my readership, so feel confident that you are reading the best from my industry.

Weve all had a day where weve been jolted awake with the repetitive dirge of the jackhammer outside our house, you are trying to ignore it and get back sleep, but, as Austin Powers might say that train has sailed .

Bleary eyed and still mostly asleep, you stumble towards the window, hoping to catch the source of this cacophony. You pull the curtains back and there, right in the middle of the street is a team of blokes in hardhats who’ve clearly been living on cold coffee and greasy food since about 4AM. Theres a barrier stopping anyone from going anywhere.


In between drilling sessions, you catch small snatches of the conversation, their voices habitually raised to ridiculous levels after years of talking over pneumatic drills.

So I said to him, listen mate, if you believe for one second that Im gonna-


Nah, I havent seen that one yet, but the second was a massive pile of—


You can be forgiven for thinking that it is the Ghostbusters re-playing that classic scene in the second movie, sadly, thats almost never the case.

You choose to head out for a walk, ostensibly to clear your head and soon discover that the complete street is being CHUGGAD, and suddenly that series 2 episode of Black Books isnt as funny anymore.

If that story doesnt strike a chord (or at the least inspire a sympathy headache) then Ill be a little more technical. There are two distinct kinds of noise reduction when it comes to headphones: the initial, is known as passive noise cancellation (or reduction, that is certainly more apt), this is basically a very low tech concept, as anything you stick in or over your ears (including your index fingers, bits of toffee popcorn or novelty hamburger-shaped earmuffs) will have a noise cancelling effect. Passive noise cancellation is simply the act of sticking your fingers (or anything else) inside your ears (cue fond memory of Roman soldiers using Parsley in the Asterix books). The second type is a lot more high tech, and generates a field of white noise around your earphones, this acts as something of the sound vacuum and doesnt allow any outside noise getting in whatsoever (that is all well and good but it also means you cant hear your girlfriend yelling at you since youve forgotten to pick up your lunch).

The second type are especially useful if the bespoke workmen are planning on staying a while. Ask the workmen what theyre doing, and theyll say something like

Yeah, busted gas main, youre lucky we found it, actually because—


And, if youre anything like me, youll end up making things up if anyone asks you why the road needs digging up. If that is the case, here are a couple of suggestions:

Does any person want a noise reducing receiver?

They found Jimmy Hoffa down there
They found a sequel to the Bible here
Theyre filming a new Ghostbusters movie
Its a pain, but at least the dragon eggs are gone now